Northern Hornshoe Trails Snowmobile Club News

Snowmobile Safety Announcement

Keep the trails open. Stay on the trail. Slow down. Please check out this announcement from the Oneida County Forestry Department Snowmobile 2023 Safety PSA Document

Off Trail Riding is Illegal in Vilas County on Public Lands

Did that get your attention? It should have. The Vilas County Forestry, Recreation & Land Department has provided a document which provides some regulations on riding in Vilas County and its forest systems. Please check out this document and take the pledge to stay on the trails. Click here to view the document Off-trail Riding Document

Landowner unhappy with reckless riders

Check out this article written by an individual who works to manage forest and is unhappy with riders going off trails and abusing this property.  Going off trail can not only damage wetlands, and young trees, but also individuals person property. Remember to always stay on marked trails. Click here to read the article